*grabs my cane …pffft I look gud for 6yrs ey?
Its about that time of year again peoples, August 1st is my 6 year rezz day in SecondLife and Im coming to partay & yew are invited to come to! This is an annual event, we hold
for our ToxxicDesignStudios VIP members, its not only a day for me to relax and hang, it is also a Customer Appreciation Party!
Its a day filled with fun, dancing, FREE gifts, store credit giveaways, LIVE music & special pricing storewide!
BUTTTT, if you do not hold my tag above your head, you will not get on the sim, so NOW is the time to start securing your place in this VIP Group today,
currently the VIP Group is FREE, but it will not be for long! For the duration of the active event, group membership will be 1,500L to join, so we advise you to
push that freebie, gacha lovin, event squeezin, spam posting group up out of your list & come where the kewl kids hang!
Live Music in the evening hours [times tba] by DJ Turbiine & Toxxic Rhiannyr <das me!
Doors open to VIP Access at 12 pm [noon] slt – til we drop from drunkness.
We hope to see you in the house!
25% off from 12pm – 12am • Saturday, August 1, 2015
Tagged: 6yr rezz day, alterego, beast!, customer appreciation party, event, free, GIFTS, music, party, sale, store credit, toxxic, turbiine